The perfect fruit salad for a backyard bbq or any occasion. There are never leftovers! This is one of my favorite fruit salad recipes, as I think the sauce...
The quintessential summer salad with lots of lycopene. Tomatoes and watermelon are a match made in heaven! Perfect with grilled meat on a hot day! This...
This is a recipe that my aunt made for me not long ago, and you can pretty much make it your own by adding your favorite fruits or taking out what you...
All of my friends loved this tasty, refreshing watermelon salad, so I thought I would add it as my first Allrecipes recipe. It was inspired by another...
The salad ingredients came from a cooking class I went to, but the dressing came from a friend. Make sure you use firm mangos or they will be impossible...
This creamy, satisfying summer salad or dessert is also a family favorite at Thanksgiving. My mother-in-law could be counted on to bring this dish to all...
This salad is so refreshing and yummy! Seasonal fruit with a touch of lime and honey makes it elegant too! This recipe is also easily doubled or tripled...
This recipe has been in my family for years and years. We make it at every holiday family get together and everyone loves it. It's a great refreshing fruit...
I was looking for a light meal for brunch and decided to toss every type of fruit I had in the house into a yogurt-based salad for lunch. It went over...
A fruit salad has to be pretty darn good to actually get a name, and the venerable Waldorf salad is certainly worthy. Embellish this as you see fit, but...
This cranberry salad recipe is reminiscent of a Waldorf salad or a taffy apple salad. Sweet and creamy, this cranberry salad is supposedly a favorite among...
A nice fruit salad for potlucks or outdoor events - my grandmother always made it on the Fourth of July. Bananas, pineapple, and cream cheese in a tangy...
Any fruit can be used, but this is my favorite combination. Try your own creation, but if you wish to use oranges and grapes in the same recipes, DON'T...
Great alternative to the typical cranberry salad served at Thanksgiving. This is a recipe that I have been making for so long that it is permanently imbedded...
This jicama fruit salad is also known as "pico de gallo" in Mexico. Not to be confused with the other pico de gallo, which is a savory salsa. This salad...
Delicious and refreshing, this is a yummy salad that is sure to please everyone! Serve over steak or fish, or use as a salsa with chips. Garnish with chopped...
A nice, refreshing tart and sweet salad made with mango, papaya and avocado that is excellent for any time of year. This will turn any meal into a special...
This is a smashing side dish, with an interesting mix of spicy, sweet and sour! Try it and it will be one of your favorites! Delicious with BBQ's or Asian...
This is a sweet fruit salad intended to be served as a low-fat dessert. The syrup is essential; without it, you just have an ordinary fruit salad, for...